Semester 01 Public Parks Soundwalk


Tampines Park
During the afternoon and evening of the weekend, I visited Tampines Park, a small neighbourhood park. The residents gave me strange looks when I spent a considerable amount of time there.

12 pm - 1 pm
As the park is situated within a residential car park and is surrounded by a circular road, the soundscape is very noisy, filled with urban noises coming from all directions. It was the lunch break, so there were not many visitors in the afternoon. During my recordings, I was able to hear noises coming from an unseen grass-cutting machine far away, as well as heavy vehicles' noises masking the birds' sounds.

5 pm - 6 pm
The park was more crowded in the evening, as families brought their children and dogs to play on the playground. Due to the increased human traffic flow, it was difficult to hear the natural sounds.

12 pm - 1 pm

  • Park Entrance
  • Carpark
  • Walkway
  • Playground
  • Fish Pond
  • Pavilion
  • 12-1-grass-cutting-birds Audio Waveform
  • 12-1-grass-cutting-birds Spectral Frequency Display
  • 12-1-grass-cutting-birds Spectral Pitch Display
  • 12-1-playground-carpark-birds Audio Waveform
  • 12-1-playground-carpark-birds Spectral Frequency Display
  • 12-1-playground-carpark-birds Spectral Pitch Display

5 pm - 6 pm

  • Exercise Space
  • Group Gathering of Dogs
  • Family Dog
  • 5-6-cars-people-birds Audio Waveform
  • 5-6-cars-people-birds Spectral Frequency Display
  • 5-6-cars-people-birds Spectral Pitch Display
  • 5-6-cars-playground-dogs-car Audio Waveform
  • 5-6-cars-playground-dogs-car Spectral Frequency Display
  • 5-6-cars-playground-dogs-car Spectral Pitch Display

Pasir Ris Coastal Park

I conducted my soundwalk at Pasir Ris Coastal Park on two weekdays during the morning and evening. I intended to record both timings at the park on the same weekday; however, I was unable to return to the park until it began to rain. As compared to my previous soundwalk in the same park conducted on a weekend, there were a greater number of visitors on weekends.

Morning and Evening Timing

9 am - 10 am
When the morning timing occurred, a few adults were exercising and a few preschoolers were playing on the nearby playground. As compared to visiting the mangrove forest on a weekend, I saw more marine life. The park was rather noisy. There are several construction sites nearby and the road is quite close to the park's areas.

5 pm - 6 pm
During the peak hour when everyone was beginning to go home from work, there were more signs of urban noise coming from construction sites and roads. During the evening timing, there were more children playing at the playground and I could also see more signs of construction work occurring throughout the park.

9 am - 10 am

  • Pasir Ris Coastal Park Map
  • Park is located near the main road
  • Grey Heron
  • Mangrove Forest Reptile
  • Signs of Construction Work
  • School Excursion
  • 9-10-construction-birds Audio Waveform
  • 9-10-construction-birds Spectral Frequency Display
  • 9-10-construction-birds Spectral Pitch Display
  • 9-10-transport-birds Audio Waveform
  • 9-10-transport-birds Spectral Frequency Display
  • 9-10-transport-birds Spectral Pitch Display

5 pm - 6 pm

  • Bird Photography
  • River Near Residential Housing
  • Playground
  • 5-6-construction-birds Audio Waveform
  • 5-6-construction-birds Spectral Frequency Display
  • 5-6-construction-birds Spectral Pitch Display
  • 5-6-playground-bell-cars Audio Waveform
  • 5-6-playground-bell-cars Spectral Frequency Display
  • 5-6-playground-bell-cars Spectral Pitch Display
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